3 Tips to Get Back on Track After the Holidays
You’ve just enjoyed a lovely holiday break, but now you’re back to school. There’s only a month left of the semester, but that means all your final projects, essays and exams are coming due. No no no, don’t panic, it’s completely normal.
After holidays you first need to prepare your mind for getting back to your study routine. But the vacation tiredness and the recent memories of the time you spent in holidays become obstacles in getting back to studies. For this reason, students need to spend some time to get rid of vacation and travel fatigue. For mentally preparing yourself, you need to go through the course guide or course outline to revise what you are going to cover in upcoming classes. By doing so you can save yourself from going to classes unprepared. Moreover, you will get an idea about how many assignments and exams will be due in the coming week or month.
Either way, how in the world can you get motivated to get back into the swing of the school year? Here’s some advice that has helped me in the past.
1. Write down all of your assessments and exams on cue cards and on a calendar
When we were in high school, we had this habit of writing down all of my assignments and tests for “hell month” on a cue card. We would write down the class, the assignment and the date in different colors and correspond them into a calendar. This will let you see what you needed to accomplish, as well how much time you’ll have between tasks. It was rewarding to cross off each task on my cue card. Now you can keep these cue cards somewhere where you are always at, like in the back of my phone case so that you always have it on hand!
2. Focus on getting the first part of bigger assignments/tasks done now
You may think that getting the smaller tasks out of the way is the right way to approach your projects. Unfortunately, this can mean bigger tasks get swept under the rug. Look at your assignments, figure out the biggest elements, and focus on getting them done first. For example, if you have an assignment to do and you need to have two books chosen, read, and it’s summary to write, you don’t want to do all of that in a week — or the night before it’s due. For that you could try dividing the bigger tasks and achieve them step by step and then take down the bigger one.
3. Start reviewing now
Now you may feel too soon to start reviewing for exams now, but doing so will make your life a lot easier. Do a quick scan through your notes and red-flag any concepts you don’t know. You should also go through your previous tests and see and review the answers to the ones you got wrong. By flagging the gaps what you’re doing is expanding your knowledge, and if you get stuck anywhere you can always ask for help from teachers, your peers, and still not get it covered? Then don’t worry, we’re here, come to us and get your first session completely free.
Ultimately, motivation must come from within. When you’re running low on steam, try to picture the finish line, and know that with enough hard work and perseverance, you’ll get there!
Until then, just keep hustling!!