7 Must read books for students
Keywords: Books, Self-help books, Novels, Intellectual tests, formulas, Syllabus, Life of Pi, Sapiens, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Ikigai, how to win friends and influence people, The Kite Runner, Eat That Frog, Anthropology, Grades, Study schedules, Life story, Revolution.
Only a small number of the thousands of books published are worthwhile. There are only a few of those hundreds that you can learn something from. One of the nicest weekend activities is to lose oneself in a good book on a bright Sunday afternoon. There are countless advantages to reading books, but the most important one is that they may transport you to unfamiliar locations and stimulate your mind with remarkable, tenacious, and brilliant characters who stay with you for a lifetime. Novels can be your entryway into a world where you don’t need to remember formulas, take intellectual tests, or worry about grades, especially for students who spend most of their time memorising concepts and organising study schedules to cover their whole syllabus! What’s even better is that you will come away with breath-taking tales, incredible life lessons, and the inspiration to pen your own work. And here are a few suggestions that will help you as a student.
1. Life of Pi by Yann Martel
The intriguing adventure book Life of Pi follows the travels of Indian child from Pondicherry named Piscine Molitor, or “Pi.” As a young Tamil Hindu boy learning about Christianity and Islam, the story opens in his early years. Following his family’s choice to relocate to Canada, they board a ship, which sinks, but Pi manages to survive along with some of the creatures from his father’s zoo. The story’s main highlight is his tenacious attempt to survive while travelling through the Pacific Ocean in a lifeboat with a Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. This book is one of the best novels you must read if you want to spice up your leisure activities with some excitement! It is an exciting adventure and survival story that will make you emotional and goosebumps, and you’ll find yourself falling in love with Pi’s remarkable life story.
2. Sapiens — by Yuval Noah Harari
The classic book SAPIENS- A Brief History of Humankind is one that I believe everyone, including students, teachers, and anybody else interested in learning more about the world and how Homo sapiens developed, should read at least once in their lives. The Cognitive Revolution, The Agricultural Revolution, The Unification of Humankind, and Fourth, the Scientific Revolution are the four sections that Harari divides the book into.
It is most suitable for those who intend to major in anthropology. It starts off with a time when animals had no relevance before going on to the agricultural revolution, where history’s biggest hoax occurred, then memory overload, which was followed by the rise of religion and its associated success secret. The scientific revolution, which is still going on and has contributed to the global rise of capitalism and the development of industry, is the last revolution.
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert T. Kiyosak
There’s no need to introduce this book. People’s perspectives on money have changed because of Robert Kiyosaki. He is known for being an ardent supporter of financial education. I’ll use a quote from him here: “The main cause of people’s financial difficulties is that they attended school for a long time but received no financial education. People end up learning how to work for money as a result. yet never figure out how to make money work for them. This book has dispelled a lot of financial fallacies. Let’s look at a few of them. It busts the notion that having a high salary automatically makes you wealthy or that you need a big income to be wealthy. You need to dispel the myth that your home is your most valuable possession. Once and for all, you must accurately define what an asset and a liability are.
Students should read this since financial literacy is where most students struggle. They will be equipped with the skills they need to manage their own finances after reading this book.
4. Ikigai — by Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles
This book reveals the Japanese method for living a long, happy, and satisfying life. Everybody has an ikigai, or a motive to spring out of bed every morning, according to Japanese culture. Finding it is the secret to living a longer and more fulfilling life, according to Okinawans, who hold the record for living the longest. You will receive resources from this book to help you discover your own ikigai. It will teach you how to let go of urgency, discover your purpose, cultivate relationships, and give yourself fully to your passions. You may also find some exercises at the conclusion of the book that you can do every day to maintain a better state of health and discover your ikigai.
5. How to win friends and influence people — by Dale Carnegie
Since its 1936 publication, this book has sold over 15 million copies. The first book written by Dale Carnegie; it has always been a bestseller. It is jam-packed with sound advice that has helped countless prominent people climb the ladder to success in both their personal and professional life. This is one of the best books for students because networking and effective communication skills are essential for success. The kids need to start developing this talent immediately because it is the most crucial one. The greatest time to develop this habit is throughout your school and college years because you have the most exposure to peers there. This book will teach you various techniques for winning people over, for impressing them with your thoughts, and for influencing them without inciting hostility. You will require some of these fundamental abilities every day for the rest of your life. Since we are social animals and cannot exist alone, socialising is essential to our success.
In this book, one of the most important lessons taught in this book is about networking. To improve your networking and communication skills you can join our Discord server and meet new people socialize, network and communicate with one another.
6. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossieni
The Kite Runner, one of Khaled Hosseini’s best-selling works, centres on an odd but enduring bond between a privileged child and the son of his family worker. It is brilliantly written, drawing a comparison between the relationship of two boys and Afghanistan’s tragic past while telling the narrative of a well-established family there. As this devastating tale weaves together the themes of bravery, friendship, familial love, and redemption, it will make you grin, cry, and laugh. This is one of the top books for students, so add it to your collection and enjoy it as a hobby!
7. Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy
This incredible self-help book, a bestseller that has been translated into more than 40 languages, is for those times when you need advice on procrastination and time management. Eat That Frog, written by Brian Tracy, a renowned author in psychology, is based on a 30-year-old research of time distribution and offers the best strategies to effectively manage time and address your procrastination behaviours.
Eating that frog! Meaning you’ve to start with the hardest task in the say, and whenever you feel stuck in your academic journey, you all can connect to us on our platform DoubtConnect- It is an instant doubt-solving platform with expertise in each subject to help you whenever you’re stuck.
There were a lot of novels on that list. I won’t advise you to begin reading all the books at once. To make your goals more attainable, take baby steps and break them down into manageable chores. Take it one book at a time and don’t be intimidated by the size or quantity of pages; just plunge headfirst into the unfamiliar. Who knows? You might receive something that completely alters your life!