A Life Hack For The Outcastes
Greetings to all the students out there. Well not all, it is a greeting for the class 12th students. Hope life is treating you well. Don’t blame us if it does not, that is why we said HOPE! This word is the catch here.
Have you ever heard of outcastes or backward members of society? Whose needs are generally ignored most of the time and no one cares about them.
We understand how harsh the reality has become for the science students of class 12th today. All that is expected of them is to perform the best on their boards.
But just like a gun does not fire without bullets, class 12th kids cannot achieve their goal without some assistance. What parents and society need to understand is that even if their son/daughter is in class 12th, they are still children.
The worst part is that with so much that has been going on lately, all that has happened in these few years, class 12th students have been left behind, which is a shame as they are the ones who need assistance the most.
What is the problem?
The problem is ignorance. Ignorance of the requirement of these kids, for achieving goals at a personal level. There are so many apps out there that take care of the toddlers and the rest of the small kids with their studies.
But no such system has been there for class 12th kids. The point is that a few measures have been there to help them out, but it is not that helpful. The thing is that students like us do not have time at all.
Students just keep sitting with doubts in their heads, waiting for someone to come and help them out. With so much already going on in their lives, it becomes tough sometimes to deal with it all at once.
We have a lot to eat on our plate and not enough appetite. So students like us, do not have the liberty of looking for scrap pieces on the internet for long. The need of the hour is a one-stop solution to problems.
Not Anymore!
We at DoubtConnect promise to take care of all of you. With features on the app like none before, we promise to help you in any way possible. Sign up today and enjoy the benefits of:
A. One to one Doubt Solving
B. Free Doubt Solving on Discord
C. Instant Solutions with a huge repository of solved doubts
It is time to bring you all back into action. You have waited long enough for your voice to be heard. Let us be the cure for your sore throat. Hop on to our discord server where we resolve hundreds of doubts daily.
See you all at the side of the solution!