Do This and Never Fear Exams Ever Again

3 min readDec 7, 2021


Anxiety and fear are not good for grades. Taming these two emotions are essential to ace your exams. The very thought of covering a vast amount of coursework before you set foot in the examination hall could make anyone nervous. A little anxiety is normal and you need not worry about it too much. On the other hand, excessive stress and pressure on your mind could have detrimental effects on your health and overall performance.

We have compiled a list of practices that can help you sail through your exam like a breeze. Let’s look at what you can do to kill anxiety and fear of exams:

Keep realistic targets

You need to be fair even while setting targets for yourself. Do not set unrealistic targets as it can have a very negative effect on your composure especially in the exam hall. Plan well, keep reasonably achievable targets and, plan and prepare well in advance to make sure you don’t face any stress.

Follow what works for you

Different students are productive at different times of the day. You are more likely to be productive in the morning hours rather than later. If that’s the time you can get a laser-like focus, then that’s when you should study the hardest. And you need to set your timetable accordingly, allowing you to learn during those productive hours. Less important things can be done during the less productive hours of your day.

Short notes and points

Try to make short notes of different topics as you cover your portions. They need to be crisp and easy to go through. These notes will come in handy during the revision phase. You can practice active recalling from memory and use your short notes or flashcards for a sneak peek when you get stuck. You could make it visually appealing by using markers to highlight headings and subheadings, diagrams and whatever you find the most useful.

Practicing with mock question papers

Giving yourself a simulated taste of the examination is a great way to curb your anxiety. While you practice previous years’ question papers, remember to time yourself. Doing this will help you better manage your time in the exam hall, give priority for answering questions you know well and so on. Answering questions will help you build confidence and can help you analyse and identify question patterns and predict question types as well.

Seeking help!

Doubts are an integral part of the learning process. But getting them cleared on time is vital to achieving good marks in your tests. In order to get your doubts cleared you may approach your study buddy, your teacher or even your parents for that matter. Remember not to keep anything for later. You will have to get them cleared as you get them. This way you will remain confident and stress free throughout your preparations.

You deserve a break!

When setting your timetable make sure to give yourself some time for a break in between your study routine. Breaks help you increase your concentration and are a part of a healthy and balanced study life. Outdoor games or simply taking a stroll outside can help you relax a bit as well.

With that being said, be confident and keep your preparations strong. Now if you get stuck on any concept or have a doubt? Don’t worry because we’re here to help you. Just click here and get you doubt cleared with 1 v 1 session and guess what 1st session is on us.

So what are you waiting for? go ahead it’s study time!!




Written by DoubtConnect

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