Efforts and Rewards
Back in school days, we used to have a friend. Who was excited to give his first test as a class 11th student. Word was that when he got to know about the test, he studied throughout the days for it.
Whereas we prepared like any other student would do, just a couple of days before the test. Both gave the test and go out results back. Surprisingly, we scored a few extra points than him.
As per him, he put in the effort and did not get his reward. But was it exactly true? The point is, that just because he said, does not mean he studied precisely. Because if he did, then it would have shown on the result page.
Difference between both
Understanding the difference is important here. Most of the students go wrong when talking about putting in the effort to studies. Not knowing the difference is a reason why students are not able to do well.
Just look at it like this. When you sit at the dinner table to eat. You won’t sit there, get up after a few minutes, and say that you have eaten without even touching the food.
Similarly, just sitting with open books in front of your face and constantly thinking about the next series to binge-watch that night, cannot be counted as studying.
How are both related?
They both have a pretty simple relationship. The more you do of one, the more you get of the other. You see it is related. The more effort you put into studying a subject, the more results you get from the same.
Ever wondered why you score more in one subject than the other? It is not that you do not know your way around the other one, it is just that you are not putting in the effort required.
There can be reasons as to why you do this. See, you are not doing it on purpose, that is what we assume. But still here are a few tips, to manage the amount of effort being put in for better results.
A few tips
Prioritize. As a student when you have so much to cover up in the time you have, wastage is not a good option. You must prioritize what needs to be done first, and what can be held off for later. Once you have a clear plan, distribute your efforts accordingly to get the desired result.
Be patient. When talking about effort, it is sort of like investment. Investing your time and energy into studies will show results but you have got to be patient with the process. Nothing happens in a night’s time. That is until you have a test tomorrow and have not studied at all.
Practice consistency. Ever had a snap streak with someone, see how you have to send one every day to maintain it. And if you miss even one, the streak is gone. Similar is the case with studies. You must get back to it daily and put in the required effort.
What, all this is overwhelming? Yes, it does sound, but we are sure you will be just fine. What, still not cheered up? Ok, let us divide the work. You take care of your studies and we will handle the doubts.
At DoubtConnect you get a one-one session with your teacher to solve all the doubts you possibly have. Also, there is a cool environment for you to hang out in.
That being our discord server, where more doubts get solved, than the number of Naruto’s episodes. But the catch is to watch Naruto, you have to spend money, to join our discord you don’t.
So, see you there!