How to build good connections with people around you?
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.
-John Lennon
Yes, connections are important to us, humans. Even if you say that you’re an introvert and you don’t like socializing with other people, you do. The figures might be less but you’re close to them. And so is everyone, we are social animals.
So there comes a very important skill, socializing. Socializing can provide a number of benefits to your physical and mental health.
Act Normal, be who you’re
Know that you are as interesting of a person as anyone you are talking to. Be comfortable in your own skin. Don’t worry about what anyone is thinking of you, worry about whether they are someone you want to talk to. ;)
Be a good listener. Don’t be thinking of the next thing you’re going to say while they are talking. Let them finish, take a beat, think about it, and respond. If you are too busy being concerned about what to say next, you might miss a really good tidbit of information that helps the conversation take off, or take off in a really cool other direction.
Be collective and well informed
Know what’s going on in the world. Have an opinion and be willing to discuss your opinion with others while keeping an open mind to the idea that they may have a different opinion. Read the news, if only enough to know the headlines and the lead. At least if you’ve heard something about it, you can say, “I saw that the other day, but don’t know what it’s all about, can you explain it to me?” (People love to feel like they are helping or teaching.)
Conversely, Don’t Hog The Conversation.
Let other people get a word in edgewise. Take a breath, being interested in what they have to say in response to your comment.
Finding Interests
Take interesting classes, you’ll meet people to talk to who have the same interests as you, or you will have an ‘expertise’ at things that other people want to hear about.