Why Should Students be in Good Shape?
To impress people, or maybe not. No, that is a stupid reason to be fit. And there is a difference between being fit and being jacked. To be fit is to be in a good physical condition which can vary from person to person.
And if you intend on being jacked, then when are you planning to study? Most of your time will go building up a fitness routine, so listen to us.
Physical health is often the aspect that remains left out. We understand that mind and mental health are very important. But a healthy mind will reside in a healthy body. So you have got to start working on your physical self.
Why should you?
Ok, can we have your undivided attention for a few moments, please? Cool, now would you believe if we say, that your last math test did not go well, because your body equation was not that good?
LHS did not equal RHS. Your mental health must have been in good shape, but not your body. You studied well and everything was on your tip, but you did not get enough sleep.
This did not only cause fatigue during the test. It also led to some sort of mental blockage stopping you from applying your mind to the extent you could have to get those few extra points.
So unless you are in good shape, you would not be able to perform well. Don’t even use the excuse of studying. If you can take out time to scroll Instagram, you can take 10 minutes to go for a run, can’t you?
How to be in good physical shape?
Here are a few quick and easy ways to keep your physical health in check, which you can easily fit into your BUSY schedule:
A. Fix your sleep schedule
B. Take note of what you eat
C. Physical activity for at least 30 minutes
This is probably one of the most common problems, with students today, especially the ones from class 9th to 12th. And no, it’s not cool, whatever you may say. Running on 4 or 5 hours of sleep will only harm you.
But something cooler is getting a good 7–8 hours of rest, and performing up to your abilities. Before sleep keep the distractions away. No, do not put away your phone now, read this first. We said before sleep. Fixing your sleep schedule would fix a lot of things for you.
You become what you put in your body. Try to keep the consumption of packaged and processed foods to a bare minimum. Instead, stick to home cooking and if it is getting boring sometimes, try a fruit shake or smoothie made at home. Engage in something new and tasty.
No matter how much you study or how many assignments you have to do, take some time out from the day to get up from the chair and go outside. Go for a walk or a run, or play some sports with your friends.
See, as a growing kid, you are full of energy. When the body gets tired physically the energy balance is maintained, and you get good sleep as well. So it is for the best you start now.
Remove Yet Another Obstacle
Maintaining a good physical condition helps you with your studies, without question. But still, another tedious obstacle in your path can be doubts.
Now we understand that you all are already doing a lot, so let us take care of this problem for you. Log on to DoubtConnect and get your doubts resolved instantaneously.
With a personalized one-to-one session from an expert faculty, we ensure that you are in the right hands.
All said and done, studies can be taken care of with some extra effort. But in the haste of scoring more than your friend, do not neglect your physical health.
Take care of yourself and your body, education can be optional but health must be a priority!